Arthurian Tarot-The White Hart (the Lovers)

Arthurian The white Hart (Lovers)The White Hart from the Arthurian Tarot shows a moment of great stillness, of beauty, in which something is being honored, blessed and chosen.  The female, holding the vessel gazes at the knight with the bow and the hawk, symbol of male action, but now at rest, honoring the chosen one, the feminine, the goddess. The White Hart stands as counterpoint, holding the two, bringing them together, in the light of consciousness, and the shadow of intuition. This is a Gemini card, but Gemini, in that place between decision, where choice is made, desire is honored, and quietude brings answers.  Following the energy of the Hierophant, the Lovers has us choose, yet still be true to our own inner principles.  A card of opportunity, of choice, of desire rewarded.

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